Agriculture & Horticulture

Cereals, pulses, fruits, vegetables, spices shall be grown in integration with other supporting activities like apiculture, local cow raring, cultivation of plants, those used as pesticides, fodder, beautification, fragrance component.

In cereals, preferably millet and pseudo cereals with pulses and vegetables fruits shall be cultivated.

Vriksha ayurveda shall be mainstay for treatment of plant diseases with other innovative approaches, but use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to be avoided.

Microbes such as NPV virus materhizium SP, Bauverca SP & Trichoderma SP may be outsources if need arise.

All the macro and micro nutrients preparation shall be inhouse activity, that are necessary for plant growth, health, fruting and flowering.

Formulations like panchgavya, jaiv rasayana, sathras, bilva rasayana, sajeev khaad etc shall be prepared only at holdings while parameters like time, season, quantity and application according to need shall be carried out.

Precautions and methods shall be adopted to curtail the presence of animals with negative energies and harmful effect like mosquitoes, house fly, cockroaches, termites, rats, pigs with earth friendly ways.