“Vishwamatha”- Viswasya Param Nidhaanam

The great treasure house of the creation/ cosmos/ universe, it is presumed that cow is endowed with extraordinary boon that it has the ability to synthesize gold with the help of sunrays.

Cultivation revolves around cow, annual yield of dung which is called Gober (best of cow product) and urine is more than 4000 Kg per cow or bull. This clarifies what wealth of agriculture (Goddess of prosperity - Laxmi) resides in cow dung.

Maharshi Parasuram, Muni Parasara and in the nearer past Barahamihir made many noteworthy observations. Cow is something that is possessed of extra ordinary virtues. Give the same kind of food to Cows and horses, the horses dung emits unhealthy stench, cow dung and urine is an efficacious disinfectant.

Cow has four tits, through which milk oozes out, as nourishment. Likewise the Vedas with 4 outlets exude milk of knowledge.

Veda mantra says that the ideal food for the cow to graze on pasture and drink pure water.

Gauh is like (Earth, Goddess Saraswati, the sun rays)

Earth signify tolerance, cow is docile by nature and is highly satwic-satwic guna is illuminating like sun rays.

“Gacchati Ithi Gauh”

Cow milk derives a series of tasty and nutritious products. Such as butter, buttermilk, cream, cow ghee, khoa, cheese, etc. gorochana, cow hide, cow horn, cow tail (chanvar) panchgavya. Also oxen for ploughing, fuel (dry dung cake).

“Dhanam Cha Godhanam Dhanyam Swarnaadeyo Urithaiva He”

This is capable of providing livelihood and is chosen an embodiment of benefits of angel, humans, other living beings. Because of these reasons it is called as

“Matharah Sarvbhootanaam Gavaah Sarvsukhepradah”

It is mother of all living beings and it bestows happiness

"Goshe Paapmaa Naa Vidyate"

Where cow lives, sins are absent

Cow ghee considered best of all fat, it increases memory and intelligence, stimulates appetite, improves semen (ojas) kapha and medas (fat tissues) useful in treating poisoning insanity fever phthisis etc.

Old cow ghee is beneficial for treating intoxication, seizures, earache, headache, pain in female genetalia.

(Acharya Charakha)

Cow ghee prepared on a full moon day to advance therapeutic properties. The moon represents soma. All the best ualities of milk and butter are energized this day. Churning of curd create vortex form in the fluid that energized the product, without churning it lacks the quality of fire (Agni).

The same vortex formation is a hall mark of Biodynamic preparations to maximise their potency before application on fields.

The back and forth action imparts a particular balancing quality to ghee instead of the one way action.

Milk has the essence of the grasses and plants and ghee possess the essence of cow milk.